Posts for 3/19/2022


         Hello Dragons!  It's been a bit since I posted, but much hasn't changed until now!  I have changed the community website road map a bit to match the vote that took place on YouTube.  If you voted, thanks for sharing your input as this guides me where I need to focus more for content you guys enjoy most.  You guys chose the Mod Showcase idea I recently came up with and I was so excited, I started programming right when the number of votes were high!  Needless to say there is a lot of progress on it .

         So, for those of you who didn't read my post on YouTube.  You may be wondering what the Mod Showcase system entails.  Well, the best way to explain it is to start out by saying it is a way for the community to share either a mod they created for a game (any game) or maybe it's to give spot light to a mod they think someone else would enjoy.  This system will also be using a lot of the functions from the Dragon Guides system so you can expect anything seen on those pages to be an option in this system, but with added features .  You will be able to link your download button to for example: a steam page to subscribe to the mod, a download link to the mod or maybe a website that features a download for the mod where the viewer can go to read more about it.. the options are up to you!   Given it is a link to something that it should be... otherwise I'll have to use my powers (removal, possible warnings up to including user ban) to put a stop to that... heh.  I hope it doesn't come to that though .

          Okay, so onto the juicy bits... When will it be done?  Well, I aim to get this system done by the end of April.  Yes! That's not long at all is it?  The best part of this system is it uses a system that's already available and I programmed it for future use, so it'll attach to other ideas (such as this one) real easily .  I never only program for just the launch of a system in any of my work, because I always leave future possibilities to branch right off existing systems.  This leaves other possibilities later on.  This doesn't mean however that it will be easy as I still will have to add new features to compliment the new system.  As you can see there is no "Download Mod" option and you kind of need one of those... huh?  So, yeah that is just one of the features I'll be adding to it and many more.

          Thanks to those of you who read my novel and I again appreciate all of you who took the time to answer my poll on YouTube.  If you weren't able to take part in the poll... well then you're in luck, because there will be plenty more of them in the future, heh.  Hope to catch you in the next update, if you have any questions, feel free to post a comment to this down below and I'll try to reply to you as soon as possible!   Goodbye.. for now.
  • Comments for 3/19/2022

  • EmberDG : One thing I forgot to mention is that I will also be throwing my Mod Showcases (from YouTube) on the new Mod Showcase List (when it goes public) so you have easy access to all of them without searching through YouTube as I plan on doing a ton of those videos, heh.