

         Let's start by stating this game is very new in a very Early Access state, so we can't expect a solid game nor a near finished game.  With that said let me tell you what I think about this game since I did decide to purchase it and played for almost 5 hours this far.  Five hours may not seem that much, but for this game it is.  There are only two locations you will visit, one is huge and the other is kind of on the small side but works more as a welcoming you to the game kind of map. 


         Since I am experienced with the first Into the Radius, I was able to pick up the controls really quick and had no issues there.  However, there were buggy situations with the controls that were not present in the first Into The Radius.  That's okay though, this is an early access game so I expected to experience weird glitches with your hands interacting with guns.  Such as maybe pulling out your clips and throwing them into god knows where while trying to rush to pick up your gun when a sick looking cop (Mimic) guy is firing at you behind several obstacles.  Then there may be times when you're being fired at from some unknown location by many Mimics who seem to be a football field in distance with nothing but a pistol...  Yes, that was some of my experience with weird things that will no doubt be fixed throughout development.

         There were a lot of things that I did like though, such as the new anomalies.  However, I do want to point out here that there are like 10 or so placed in one small area with a frickin' Mimic placed right in the middle of it, which did trigger my nerves at times.  Again, those things will no doubt be worked out throughout development, but I want to let you know if this will impact your purchase or not.  The graphics were absolutely beautiful, I had no issues with my 3060 TI while using Virtual Desktop which I felt very lucky because a lot of people are having issues with how smooth the game runs at this time.  I think the devs did an even better job with the maps this time around, not to mention the new Base location.  I love all of the new buildings and the new features those buildings had to offer from the first game.  I don't want to spoil much but I'll give you one feature, so stop reading and skip to the next bit if you don't want to know this.  You are now able to remove your Chest Rig and place it on Mannequins, but not only that you can swap them out and place old ones on one of the several Mannequins you now have access to.  That's still not all though, you can still place things into the rig while wearing one if you want to make a loadout.  Such a great addition to the game that I wish the first one had, but hey this is the second game, so you can expect more out of it as they already know what they are doing at this point.

         This game can be very difficult at this time, so I do want to bring this to your attention.  I told you about the 10 or so anomalies being placed all in one area and that mimic stuck in the middle of it, you will experience things like this throughout the maps.  There are no difficulty settings at this time and the only way to heal is by the Shower in your base, not by sleeping like in the previous game.  This may change though, again this is very early access in my opinion.  There are new anomalies that can also work your nerves if you don't watch them closely, I want spoil them because I don't want to spoil everything, but yeah if you hear something electric be very careful about moving and keep your eyes open to spot those beauties.  Another thing that can make this game very difficult is that Mimics tend to have a range of a god.  These dudes can shoot (as stated before) from a large distance and you may not even be able to see them to return fire.  This did get on my nerves since I was already trying to dodge the 5 anomalies standing in my way, but not to mention the spider (spawns) guys that come out of frickin' no where lunging at you for even more damage.  I hope those things get fixed soon and this game will be great.


         So, do I recommend this game to you guys?  At this time, if you do not mind dropping $40 on a game that is filled with the issues above and want to enjoy seeing it grow through each update that drops (the main reason why I chose to buy it) then I say, yes go ahead and pick it up.  There is plenty of fun to have here even if you just want to check out the new features they added that were not in the previous game.  However, if you are looking for a game that is already in a great state that just went into Early Access before it releases... then do not buy this game.  I would say wait a bit to see some updates that may spark your interest in purchasing it then while they work out the kinks.  The price will never change as stated by the Devs, so you can choose to buy this game whenever you want expecting the price to either be on sale (like it is now) or still at that $40 price tag.  That's my thoughts though, have you tried this game?  Would you recommend it to someone?  Feel free to let us know in the comments below.  Catch you in the new Mod Showcase that dropped today on YouTube ;D.  Goodbye.. for now...

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  •      If you haven't tried this game and you like Project Zomboid, then you absolutely should!  I put a few hours into this one and found it very similar to Project Zomboid, so much that I will definitely be following this game through its development and throwing my money at it when it becomes available.  The amount of detail in this game even though it's very early in development is crazy.  From healing a wound with bandages to barricading your base of choice (built or taking over a building as you would in Zomboid.)  This game also has fully functional RVs!  Something Zomboid only has in a Mod.  The amount of items you can loot in the game also doesn't fall short.  Guns can be used with a little bit of a worry unlike Zomboid at the moment, there will be noise but it doesn't seem way too sensitive like Zomboid where they pin point your location for just taking a shot.

         Graphics are very different from Zomboid as it is in 3D verses the Top Down style Zomboid uses.  This gives us a different perspective and one that I've been hoping to see for a long time and now it seems to be a dream come true.  I'll have to see how it turns out through development, but it definitely has my attention.  Melee doesn't feel awful and guns feel very good, but not only that the sounds are also pretty well done in this early state of development.  There are only Zombies in the game and it doesn't seem like they are as abundant as Zomboid, yet.. anyway... heh.  There are also plans for NPCs as apparently they were in the game prior to my experience and are now removed for some more work.  So, this game will definitely get even more interesting in the future.

         They recently added a Quest System, however it is not functional at the moment but will be as development continues.  That system has me really interested as Zomboid doesn't have any Quest System as of yet.  I do hope that Zomboid gets this system in the future once NPCs are implemented though as that could make for some interesting opportunities that could result in some sort of skill or loot reward.  This also would give us a story without having to make one up as some would prefer that instead.  I'm very excited to see where this goes as you can probably tell, heh.  The game already features a Map and it's very close to the new Map system from Zomboid, but I find Zomboids map far more developed, but I'm sure the game will get there as time progresses.

         As of right now it is still very much in early development, so I don't think I'll be playing much of it at the moment.  However, I will definitely be diving into this one with every update that gets thrown at it without hesitation.  The best thing about this game is it will be absolutely FREE throughout development and even after development (being the demo) from what was said as they are taking a(n) open approach rather than leaving you in the dark till you give them your bills.  Of course you will only get the full game with a purchase but it is said that after development the Demo will also receive updates to keep giving new players a look at what to expect.  I find this a really good decision for new developers who do not really have their name out yet.  This is a great way to build trust in your product before it goes live.  So, as I said before.. if you haven't tried it yet, then you should!  No money spent and still a great time, what more could you ask for boys?

         That's my take on this game so far, I'm sure I'll give you more opinions later.  You can expect more of these posts in the future, maybe even video formats of my thoughts or live streams when I have the time to expand content.  For now though, we'll just leave it to Mod Showcases ;).  This is a game I hope I'll be able to add to my Mod Showcase content in the future as it also has Vehicles with the same system as Zomboid, so I can only imagine the awesome models that could be thrown at it if mod support is added.  It will need some vehicle animations though.. first ;).  Hope to catch you in the next Mod Showcase, goodbye.. for now...
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  •      I have made some more changes on the website, as you can see you can now view the full HD video of the latest Mod via this website ;D.  I'll be doing this with other videos later, so you don't have to watch them on YouTube if you wish not to do so.  This means, NO ADS!  Absolutely no ads will be in these videos verses YouTube, they are already on this website so I figure you could watch a whole video without being interrupted if you choose to watch it here.  A nice bonus for you guys for visiting this website.  These take a long time to upload, so don't expect them at release of every video, but later on you'll be able to watch these as a choice instead of on YouTube with ads.  If you haven't watched it yet, then enjoy as I really do recommend this mod if you're a fan of Semi-Trucks.

         Okay, so I mentioned that you can now see these videos, well what if you have one of your own?  Well, now you can add your very own video to your Showcase of choice on this website (within the terms of course.)  If you don't have a video to add, but you do have a YouTube video you are welcome to use that instead.  However, now it's made even easier!  You can now click the YouTube button on the "Create a Mod Showcase" page and just paste a Shareable URL in the popup.  The code I have just made will automatically turn that into a YouTube video without you having to go through what you had to before (editing embed code and what have you.)  So, there you go now it's just a quick click of the "Share" button on the youtube video and a quick "Paste" into that popup window and you have a fully viewable YouTube video for your Custom Mod Showcase.  I'll be adding this to the "Add a Guide" system as well later.

         Hope you enjoy this new Update to this Website as well as the video posted above ;).  Thanks for your continued support and much more will be coming to this website in the future, so don't forget about it >).  Remember, you can also collect Ember Silver Coins  by playing games here as well as creating your own Guide or Showcase for people to "Lay their Flames" (similar to the Like system used.)  These Coins can be spent on the Coin Shop whenever you would like to and whatever you would like to.  There will be more ways to earn Coins later as well.  I'll be implementing a Gold Coin System in the future where you will be able to purchase those and purchase items from the Gold Coin Shop without earning Coins if you wish to do that instead.  However, there will be more on the Silver Coin Shop verses the Gold Coin Shop to ensure you'll have plenty to spend your hard earned Silver Coins on.

         That's all I have for you today boys (and girls,) catch you in the next Mod Showcase coming later this week!  Goodbye.. for now... ;)
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  •      It's been a bit since I posted here, so I figured it's about time I do so.  If you haven't checked out my latest video and you love Vehicle Mods for Project Zomboid, then you should definitely check out this sexy beast.  I had a blast with this one and in the video I explain why so I'll leave that for you to find out ;).  In other news I'm currently battling myself in if I should do a Marathon on YouTube with all of my Mod Showcases for a day or most of it at least.  This is something I've been thinking on for a while, but the battle is due to me not wanting to bother people.  However, it would be a great idea for new eyes to discover my content throughout the day whenever they want with a live feed.  Let me know in the comments below how you feel about this, I'd be glad to know your opinion.

         In other news, I have told you my Kid will begin School last year and my content would increase, however the Government said No as my kid had a Birthday one week after the cutoff (kind of crazy, but hey rules are rules I guess.)  This is why my content has not made any difference, however my Kid will be in School for Next Year, so you can definitely expect a Content Increase :D.  As to how much, I couldn't tell you as this is still a part time job of mine and I still hope to hit Full Time status as this is what I love doing.  Yes, content expansion will happen as to what I'll be doing, that I don't know yet but I'm sure Twitch Streams and YouTube Streams will return and I cannot wait to get back into chatting with you guys as I've been missing it for a long time since I began.

         Now onto this website, I have been doing back end projects and fixes to the website to help fight off bots and majority of that has been solved :D.  I'm very happy to not recieve 5,000 emails of companies spamming me for random things when I could be seeing messages from you guys instead.  So, now you can feel free to use the "Contact Me" page without a problem, if you don't mind the Captcha of course (programmed 100% by me and tested ;D.)  Feel free to let me know about anything you want, you can also drop by my Discord to chat with me and others as well.  I'm very easy to talk to, so you won't have a problem there.

         Onto the future of this website... You can probably see the list on the bottom right of this web page with my road map and notice it hasn't moved at all.  This is because I stopped everything and focused on the bot issue as I needed that to get taken care of before anything else I do.  After looking at that road map now (Desktop only) I am seeing some things I will probably change.  The coin shop being one of them, some of the Merchandise is no longer made and I'll be designing new Merchandise in the future for you guys to spend your hard earned coins on ;D.  

         I have plans for my Big Games that I originally made years ago as well, but I won't spoil that now.  Those of you who are Ranked Up will still be able to play both Land of Skulls and InchanShards as usual, so if you want to check out those games feel free to do so.  If those games regain support, I can always pick back up those projects and fix  or add things to them as time goes on.  So, don't think that I ever gave up on them, cause that is not true at all.  However, development on those games will not be fast as my Main focus will be on Content in video form for you guys as I enjoy doing that more and that's how I am still being able to do this anyway.

         Those of you who found me on TikTok, you probably have noticed a sudden stop in my content.  This is because TikTok decided to not give me views out of no where, so I have been putting those on YouTube for the moment.  Will I return to TikTok?  I honestly can't tell you that, however I am thinking about trying again in the 3rd Quarter of this year to see if there is any improvements.  Till then you can always find my content on YouTube as YouTube is my home and has way more content than TikTok (honestly I'm not a fan of TikTok nor do i watch it, however I do need promote my content and having more places to put my content is always better as I don't get a lot of views as it is anyway.) 

         That leaves me with this last thing to tell you guys.  Huge Thanks to you guys for your support in my content as those Likes, Shares and Subscribes go a long way to help me continue making content for you guys.  Those are the things that help me stay around for as long as I can, but I do want to let you know that I do not make that much at all from YouTube with the views I get.  So, the question of how long will I be able to do this is still left unanswered and if anything bad were to happen YouTube would no doubt be left in the dust as no one wants to work without compensation as that is what pays for the cost of living.  I will however not give up until I have to, so you will always know that I did not quit because I gave up but it is because of lack of compensation.  So, an even bigger thanks to those of you who Rank Up, become a Member on YouTube or Subscribe to my Twitch Channel as you guys are the big difference in how long I keep doing this and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

         Thanks for reading this and I'll catch you in Next Weeks Mod Showcase!  Goodbye.. for now... ;)

    P.S. I won't have time to edit this so I apologize for any mistakes above ;D
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  •      Happy New Year guys and what better than to start off the New Year but with a Mod Showcase featuring something I don't cover much.. but that will hopefully change this year!  Hope you enjoy the new Mod Showcase video as well as the Mod featured and feel free to let me know in the comments what you liked about it or maybe disliked about it, others probably want to see others opinions besides mine ;).  

         This year was a good one as the channel reached 3,000 subscribers and I hope it continues to grow as my goal for this year (and yes I'm about to aim high) is 10,000 subscribers (insert whoa face here.)  Yep, that's a lot but if I don't aim high then I'm not trying to better my content.  I feel I'm getting better and better every year that passes (with my confidence) and I'll try to improve my content for as long as you guys support my content, but doing Gear videos I see some room for improvement so I'm sure I'll be playing with some things as those type of showcase videos come out.

         In other news, I thought about adding content for Maps that are Mods again, however I'm still unsure how I'd do that in a video.  The only way I see it working is in a play-through which I can't do at this time due to time.  If you have any suggestions, I'm open to listen to them.  In any cause, I will get back to them when time becomes more available (which is pretty much when my kid goes to school which unfortunately got delayed this year because of a birthday that came 2 weeks later than the cut off for the age requirement *sigh*.)  So, you can still expect Mod Showcases every Friday of every week and any other videos that pop up during the week which will still be known as "extra" videos for now.

         Thanks again for all of your continued support for my content with those Likes, Shares, Comments and Subscribes!  I really appreciate it because all of that is what helps the channel grow and growth is a key component to keeping a YouTuber around as well that's how we make an income and I know most of you agree with me that working for near free is not great for supporting a family.  So, again huge thanks to you guys and especially those of you who became Members or Ranked Up on this website as that extra support really helps and I cannot thank you enough :D.   That's all I have for you today, catch you in the next Mod Showcase or if a Surprise Stream pops up (only on Twitch.)  Goodbye.. for now...

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