Posts for 8/10/2022


    (EmberMatch is Here!)

    Hello Dragons!

         I've been working hard to get this thing ready to go and it is now done!  EmberMatch (Shown in the Image) is now ready to play on the community website where you are challenged to make three matches to win before you run out of chances!  Every win is now recorded to a Most Winning High Score system I implemented after testing (which came from Dragon Seize, my previous game) as well as the other back end systems needed for it to work properly.  The game is randomly generated so don't expect to see the same game every time you play.  Also, you earn more if the game generates a harder game (if you win of course .)

         Although this game is fully functioning with animations included, there is still additional work to be done on it.  This only includes sounds and the hint system.  These will be added as time continues on, but I wanted to just get it working and out the door.  The hint system is an optional system and it is not something you need at the moment.  The hint system will function just like Dragon Seize where you will spend  Ember Silver Coins to get a quick way out of not finding a match.  The amount will be 1  Ember Silver Coin per Hint, but keep in mind you are only given so many  Ember Silver Coins per win, so it will be possible to spend over you earning.  This is why it is optional and is not needed as you can win the game without it.

         You will need to have  Ember Tickets to play, but those are earned for free daily when you logon or visit the My Account page.  Ranked users will get additional  Ember Tickets per day along with other exclusive bonuses!  For those of you who are Ranked Up, thank you for the support as it enables to me the funds to keep making games and content for you guys!  You can also get more Ember Tickets with spending the  Ember Silver Coins you saved up in a big bundle pack or maybe something even better in the Coin Shop!  More will be added to the coin shop as time moves forward and a new Gold Coin Shop will make an appearance later as well.

         I will be finishing up the game within the next month or so with the sounds and hint system as I want to test it fully before I throw it out to release.  I will then be moving onto the next game there after .  Will I be adding these to mobile was a frequently asked question; the answer to that is Yes, but I do not have the funds for that as of right now.  You can play these games only through the community website for the moment.  Making mobile games requires me to have other devices in order to make them available for that device and I don't have them at this time.  I may get some help from someone to test Android for me and maybe make that a thing sooner than later (as it is possible for me to make that a thing,) IOS is my only a 100% no go for now.

         Will I need a community website account to play?  Yes, of course you will so all of your coins are saved and what have you.  This means you will need to create an account if you haven't already and get verified with the email sent you (be sure to check your spam folder, heh.)  I have played the game I don't know how many times and my thoughts are the same with Dragon Seize: I still love playing both of them however I feel I'm better at this game than Dragon Seize, heh I'm not very good with word games.  Sometimes us Game Devs make games we are terrible at, but I'm not ashamed to admit it .

         Thanks for reading this if you did and thanks to those of you who choose to play and have fun with the games I've built!  I plan to do many more, so if this one doesn't suit you.. just wait, one may later .  That's all I have for you guys at the moment, besides me telling you to expect a new video on Friday .  Goodbye for now...
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