Posts for 3/12/2023


         Hello Dragons!  There's a lot of new players to Project Zomboid every year and I figure I should let you know about my previous series incase you need some help learning the game.  I dive into exploration, gathering materials, obtaining guns and ammo, claiming a safe area, building that safe area into a home, starting production (crops and what have you,) and more!  Will there be death?  Of Course!  It's frickin' Project Zomboid, so yes characters will die but this story continues as we take the place of that character with another character from Resident Evil that other Zombie game .  There are other mods included in this playthrough but none of witch are essential they are mostly cosmetic and used to have more fun as I've played it to death and need some changes to keep it fun.  Do not fear mods with this game, play it how you want to.  You can even use Sandbox to create your very own experience so you can enjoy this great game if it is just too hard to manage.

         Not only is this series a valid way to help you play the game, but I have also thrown together a bunch of Guides to help you with aspects of the game without having to watch the whole series.  Though, these are shorter and to the point so the series goes into more situational aspects with those aspects of the game shown in those guides.  In the above video I show you the User Interface which is the first thing most people go "wait what?!" and may choose to just refund the game or walk away entirely.  Why?  The reason is it is very unique and can get very overwhelming.  This video will help you learn the basics enough to understand the UI and be a bit more comfortable with it.  If you want to see more of my guides you can find them on this site in the Dragon Guides section or in my Project Zomboid Guides playlist found on my YouTube Channel.

         Lastly if you have played the game enough to experience a different side of Project Zomboid.  I also cover Mods that you may enjoy.  All of these mods are created by different members of the community and spend countless hours making such great models and/or scripts for the game.  I use a lot of these in my playthroughs and I can't wait to be able to go back to playthroughs in the future to bring these to you guys in an actual lets play.  I still enjoy these on my own time when I can play the game and I think you guys will too.  That is the reason why I decided to make these videos, to show them off to you and see if you think they are worthy of a download or maybe something you just take a hard pass on.  This saves you having to subscribe (download) and activate something you may not like as some of these mods require other mods to work.  If you want to see more Mod Showcases, you can find them here on the site in Game Mod Showcases or you can find them in my Mod Showcases with Review Playlist found on YouTube.

         I do want to thank those of you for subscribing to my channel and liking my videos as it is a huge support for keeping the channel going.  The further my channel grows the longer I'll be able to keep doing content for you guys.  If you wish to help further support me, you can do this with becoming a Member on YouTube for as low as $1 or you can become a Ranked Member on this website and gain great benefits!  None of this is required of you, but it does bring extra income in that YouTube doesn't provide (which isn't much to be honest until my channel grows enough to make a full time wage.)  So, for those of you who do become members or ranked members on this site I really do appreciate you guys!  That doesn't mean I don't really appreciate the ones that don't though, you also help my channel grow so really all of you are really appreciated, but to go above that and beyond really shows me how much you like my content and I can't let you guys go unaware of my appreciation.  That's all for today, catch you in the next Mod Showcase this coming Friday ;D.

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