Posts for 3/30/2023


         Project Zomboid fans take notice of this game called Zed Zone Apocalyptic Ahead as it has a lot of inspiration from Project Zomboid and CDDA both with all of the systems present.  I did purchase it and am excited to dive into it when I can, but I figured I'd let you guys know about it who haven't discovered this game yet.  Usually I'd do a brief lets play to show it off for you guys, but my time is limited until my kid goes to school, so it's still Mod Showcases till then.  One thing that really got me to hit the purchase button was not only the price at a cost of near $10 USD (On Sale right now,) but also the amount of different types of the infected in the game.  This is where the game gets closer to CDDA than Zomboid but Zomboid was also inspired by CDDA so yeah a lot of both games are present as I stated before.

         I definitely recommend you at least check out some videos of this game if you're unsure but if you want to check out the store page on steam, here is a link for you .  I may still write my review of the game after I do play it to share my thoughts and more about it so it's always best to keep checking back here to see what is new, but in any case there will be a new Project Zomboid Mod Showcase this Friday as usual and I can't wait for you guys to see this one.  A Vehicle with a brand new Modification System and it is frickin' awesome.  Catch ya in the video, good bye for now .
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