Posts for 11/28/2023


          So, I see where the votes are going.. but how about if I tell you guys that I'm going to do both ;)? I know you may be thinking how am I going to do that with being part time, well I have answer for that. There will be sacrifices and those unfortunately effected will be Shorts and my Rewind videos. Now, if you read the community website you seen that that was all going to change anyway. Well, now it's gonna change even more as Shorts will no longer be done on this channel. Those will be left for TikTok and Rewinds will only pop up here and there.  The reason why is not much time goes into those and I will knock out a bunch in one day, then schedule them up when to go live on TikTok so TikTok can remain happy (not the people watching but TikTok itself, crazy to say that but it's true...) All of my focus will be here on YouTube like it should be as TikTok is a secondary platform not my main platform of choice, you guys are ;D.

         That said, in replacement will be new videos and those will be tips, guides or "Thursdoid" update videos. I will not be covering this last one but I'll try to cover the next one. Tips and Guides will not be weekly, I'll explain why. As I said, I will be doing both so that means every Friday you can still expect a Mod Showcase :D so no worries there. The other videos will still remain as extra videos during the week. This means they will pop up when I finish them. These equally take as much time to make just as the Showcases if not more depending on what it is I'm going to do a video on and this can only be a part time job for me at the moment. Tips will be in the form of 10 tips per video and will be done in my own way similarly to how I do my Mod Showcases. This means (as said before) there may not be a(n) extra video every week, but that's okay they are just "extra" anyway right ;)? This doesn't mean weekly extra videos won't happen either though, but its better to leave it unexpected.

         However, things will be a little different... As many of you know my material is not pre-recorded with written scripts if you have been following me for a while. I plan to keep that as much as possible as I prefer my content to be more like as if I were clicking the live (live stream) button rather than the record button and I stare at my frickin' monitor talking as if a bunch of people are standing there staring me in the face.  If there were, it won't bother me as I've done this already many times in the past, this is not the reason why I don't have a cam if you didn't know already.  That is due to an agreement with my wife in our small apartment with our child but I digress..  Anyway, Then later I edit it so you can jump right to the juicy bits without having to skip or wait forever with all of the in-between that is basically nothing. All of the editing is done by me, everything on my channel or the community website is pretty much done by me if you didn't know that.. you do now.

         The change will be mostly seen in Tip Videos and Update Videos as I can only see this done by pre-recording however I plan to treat it just like I have been where I click the record button instead of the live stream button and go from there. Then later I'll edit as I will have to add footage based on the tip or update that I'm talking about, so basically it will be a voice over with a some videos to go with what it is I'm talking about.  Tip videos will be some you may of heard of already or may be a brand new tip you haven't heard before as these will be 10 per video so I can keep a list flowing of tips I come up with and I already started on that list by the way.  It's growing pretty well ;).  Update videos will be pretty much what you'd expect except I'll be leaving my thoughts throughout what it is I'm letting you know about.  This one will be a new challenge to me because I've never done these videos before, but I have no doubt that I can do it :D.  Guide videos will only be made based on Frequently Asked Questions like the one I'm currently working on.  If a lot of you are asking for help with something, I'll attempt to fix it with one of these videos.  They will be done just like my showcases as they are mostly tutorial videos and better done like that than a pre-recorded ember dragon voice with video slapped on top of it.

         That's pretty much what is going to change and how I'll be doing it, my time is limited at the moment as this can only be a part time job with the amount of money I make.  This all will change if I'm able to go full time with your continued support.  You can expect more extra videos per week and what have you..  That's all I have for you guys today, thanks for your continued support because with out it this wouldn't even be a part time job for me and for that I really appreciate you guys and those of you who offered further support by Ranking Up and doing YouTube Memberships or Twitch Subs.  I hope to catch you in the next Mod Showcase as it will still come this week :) and.. goodbye for now...
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