Posts for 12/03/2023


     Check out this Amazing Vehicle Mod Above!

         Welcome to December and check out the latest Mod Showcase above if you haven't already.  I just want to give you a brief update on what is happening this coming week and that is.. There will be a new Video Guide which will pop up on YouTube on Tuesday morning based on when you guys are most available.  Then there will be a new Mod Showcase following that video on Friday as there usually is every Friday.  I also want to point out that Guide Videos will be made based on Frequently Ask Questions about how to do something such as, but not limited to: "How do I do Vehicle Maintenance on a vehicle in Zomboid?" or What is the best way to Hunt for Animals in Zomboid?"  It doesn't end there though this could be also questions in other games I've covered in the past, so don't be shy to ask me those types of questions as I like doing these types of videos but I don't really have anything left in my to do list.

         Also, a heads up on Tip videos.. as I stated before these will come out as I complete them.  There are not any given dates as to when they pop up, my main focus will be Mod Showcases until I have an extra video ready to throw out.  I will prioritize Guide videos though, tip videos will come after as I don't see them as important with most other content creators covering them already.  When these videos are made do not expect something you haven't heard, but if you guys enjoy them enough I'll release enough of them to where you may find at least a couple tips you may not of heard before.  If they do poorly, then well.. I'll probably just end up waiting on them until Build 42 comes out which will include a ton more opportunities for Tips as it is a massive update.

    That's it that I have for you this week, thanks for reading this if you did and your continued support in my content with those Likes, Shares and Subscribes!  Huge thanks to guys as it helps spread my channel to others and gives it an opportunity to grow to where I'm able to pump out way more videos per week in the future.  Catch you in the next video, goodbye.. for now... ;)
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