Posts for 6/09/2024


         It's been a bit since I posted here, so I figured it's about time I do so.  If you haven't checked out my latest video and you love Vehicle Mods for Project Zomboid, then you should definitely check out this sexy beast.  I had a blast with this one and in the video I explain why so I'll leave that for you to find out ;).  In other news I'm currently battling myself in if I should do a Marathon on YouTube with all of my Mod Showcases for a day or most of it at least.  This is something I've been thinking on for a while, but the battle is due to me not wanting to bother people.  However, it would be a great idea for new eyes to discover my content throughout the day whenever they want with a live feed.  Let me know in the comments below how you feel about this, I'd be glad to know your opinion.

         In other news, I have told you my Kid will begin School last year and my content would increase, however the Government said No as my kid had a Birthday one week after the cutoff (kind of crazy, but hey rules are rules I guess.)  This is why my content has not made any difference, however my Kid will be in School for Next Year, so you can definitely expect a Content Increase :D.  As to how much, I couldn't tell you as this is still a part time job of mine and I still hope to hit Full Time status as this is what I love doing.  Yes, content expansion will happen as to what I'll be doing, that I don't know yet but I'm sure Twitch Streams and YouTube Streams will return and I cannot wait to get back into chatting with you guys as I've been missing it for a long time since I began.

         Now onto this website, I have been doing back end projects and fixes to the website to help fight off bots and majority of that has been solved :D.  I'm very happy to not recieve 5,000 emails of companies spamming me for random things when I could be seeing messages from you guys instead.  So, now you can feel free to use the "Contact Me" page without a problem, if you don't mind the Captcha of course (programmed 100% by me and tested ;D.)  Feel free to let me know about anything you want, you can also drop by my Discord to chat with me and others as well.  I'm very easy to talk to, so you won't have a problem there.

         Onto the future of this website... You can probably see the list on the bottom right of this web page with my road map and notice it hasn't moved at all.  This is because I stopped everything and focused on the bot issue as I needed that to get taken care of before anything else I do.  After looking at that road map now (Desktop only) I am seeing some things I will probably change.  The coin shop being one of them, some of the Merchandise is no longer made and I'll be designing new Merchandise in the future for you guys to spend your hard earned coins on ;D.  

         I have plans for my Big Games that I originally made years ago as well, but I won't spoil that now.  Those of you who are Ranked Up will still be able to play both Land of Skulls and InchanShards as usual, so if you want to check out those games feel free to do so.  If those games regain support, I can always pick back up those projects and fix  or add things to them as time goes on.  So, don't think that I ever gave up on them, cause that is not true at all.  However, development on those games will not be fast as my Main focus will be on Content in video form for you guys as I enjoy doing that more and that's how I am still being able to do this anyway.

         Those of you who found me on TikTok, you probably have noticed a sudden stop in my content.  This is because TikTok decided to not give me views out of no where, so I have been putting those on YouTube for the moment.  Will I return to TikTok?  I honestly can't tell you that, however I am thinking about trying again in the 3rd Quarter of this year to see if there is any improvements.  Till then you can always find my content on YouTube as YouTube is my home and has way more content than TikTok (honestly I'm not a fan of TikTok nor do i watch it, however I do need promote my content and having more places to put my content is always better as I don't get a lot of views as it is anyway.) 

         That leaves me with this last thing to tell you guys.  Huge Thanks to you guys for your support in my content as those Likes, Shares and Subscribes go a long way to help me continue making content for you guys.  Those are the things that help me stay around for as long as I can, but I do want to let you know that I do not make that much at all from YouTube with the views I get.  So, the question of how long will I be able to do this is still left unanswered and if anything bad were to happen YouTube would no doubt be left in the dust as no one wants to work without compensation as that is what pays for the cost of living.  I will however not give up until I have to, so you will always know that I did not quit because I gave up but it is because of lack of compensation.  So, an even bigger thanks to those of you who Rank Up, become a Member on YouTube or Subscribe to my Twitch Channel as you guys are the big difference in how long I keep doing this and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

         Thanks for reading this and I'll catch you in Next Weeks Mod Showcase!  Goodbye.. for now... ;)

    P.S. I won't have time to edit this so I apologize for any mistakes above ;D
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