Posts for 7/19/2024


         If you haven't tried this game and you like Project Zomboid, then you absolutely should!  I put a few hours into this one and found it very similar to Project Zomboid, so much that I will definitely be following this game through its development and throwing my money at it when it becomes available.  The amount of detail in this game even though it's very early in development is crazy.  From healing a wound with bandages to barricading your base of choice (built or taking over a building as you would in Zomboid.)  This game also has fully functional RVs!  Something Zomboid only has in a Mod.  The amount of items you can loot in the game also doesn't fall short.  Guns can be used with a little bit of a worry unlike Zomboid at the moment, there will be noise but it doesn't seem way too sensitive like Zomboid where they pin point your location for just taking a shot.

         Graphics are very different from Zomboid as it is in 3D verses the Top Down style Zomboid uses.  This gives us a different perspective and one that I've been hoping to see for a long time and now it seems to be a dream come true.  I'll have to see how it turns out through development, but it definitely has my attention.  Melee doesn't feel awful and guns feel very good, but not only that the sounds are also pretty well done in this early state of development.  There are only Zombies in the game and it doesn't seem like they are as abundant as Zomboid, yet.. anyway... heh.  There are also plans for NPCs as apparently they were in the game prior to my experience and are now removed for some more work.  So, this game will definitely get even more interesting in the future.

         They recently added a Quest System, however it is not functional at the moment but will be as development continues.  That system has me really interested as Zomboid doesn't have any Quest System as of yet.  I do hope that Zomboid gets this system in the future once NPCs are implemented though as that could make for some interesting opportunities that could result in some sort of skill or loot reward.  This also would give us a story without having to make one up as some would prefer that instead.  I'm very excited to see where this goes as you can probably tell, heh.  The game already features a Map and it's very close to the new Map system from Zomboid, but I find Zomboids map far more developed, but I'm sure the game will get there as time progresses.

         As of right now it is still very much in early development, so I don't think I'll be playing much of it at the moment.  However, I will definitely be diving into this one with every update that gets thrown at it without hesitation.  The best thing about this game is it will be absolutely FREE throughout development and even after development (being the demo) from what was said as they are taking a(n) open approach rather than leaving you in the dark till you give them your bills.  Of course you will only get the full game with a purchase but it is said that after development the Demo will also receive updates to keep giving new players a look at what to expect.  I find this a really good decision for new developers who do not really have their name out yet.  This is a great way to build trust in your product before it goes live.  So, as I said before.. if you haven't tried it yet, then you should!  No money spent and still a great time, what more could you ask for boys?

         That's my take on this game so far, I'm sure I'll give you more opinions later.  You can expect more of these posts in the future, maybe even video formats of my thoughts or live streams when I have the time to expand content.  For now though, we'll just leave it to Mod Showcases ;).  This is a game I hope I'll be able to add to my Mod Showcase content in the future as it also has Vehicles with the same system as Zomboid, so I can only imagine the awesome models that could be thrown at it if mod support is added.  It will need some vehicle animations though.. first ;).  Hope to catch you in the next Mod Showcase, goodbye.. for now...
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