Posts for 8/10/2024


         If you haven't seen the above video yet, then I suggest you check it out as soon as you can if you play Project Zomboid.  I'll save my review of it for you in the video, but I'm sure you can already tell it was positive by my suggestion to watch it.  I have some really big news to bring you so I'm going to jump to that next.

         I'm currently in the Design Phase of a brand new game!  This game will not be a Website Game, nor will it be a Survival game like Project Zomboid.  This game will be a Simulator/Sandbox experience.  I can only tell you very few details as this game is still in the design phase (pre-development but almost finished ;D,) but I'll share more when I get some good amount of development in.  I'm very excited about this game as this is the first game I will not need any help with to create from start to finish.  This may have been what I should of started with all along, but I was still new at the game when I started my first two projects.  I found out a lot and now I know to make games I can make instead of games I would like to make.  Meaning games that I can do all on my own, but that doesn't mean I will not need some things.

         I am not an Artist (besides voxel art and animations I have made with my previous two games) so I would need obtain art for the game as every game needs art unless you just want to look at squares and circles (temporary game objects) throughout your playing experience.  No one wants to do that... trust me.  The good news is, I already have a few choices of asset packs created by a couple of very well established companies.  

         I understand this involves money, but it's for a price that is not out of my budget which is even better news to bring you.  You cannot expect to make money by not spending money, that's just not how business works.. unfortunately, heh.  However, this saves me from hiring an artist full time (as I would need that for this project) which would be a lot more money that I do not have at the moment.  With an Artist though there are some pros and cons that are different from already made assets.  I would have to wait for assets to be created, which is one of the cons.  One pro is I would have an open unique selection of assets as the Artist could make everything I need from start to finish.  With the assets I will be obtaining, I will not have to wait however I will have to work with the materials provided.  This is why I have to make a decision carefully and not just jump into buying assets that may not work when I get certain features up and running.

         This is all what takes part in the Design Phase of Game Design, not to mention the huge text file I have of what I have to do (in great detail) along with pseudo code so I will have everything ready when I start development (honestly the best way to enter development.)  The text file is near completed from the beginning of development all the way to the release of development and that will be all done within the next week ;).  That shows you right there, that this game will be completed by me no matter what.  The time it takes to get it done is all that stands in the way and yes any game development takes huge amounts of time.  I will not be rushing this project and that's why I will be doing an Early Access on Steam when the time is right.  I may also do a pre-early access on this website if I need help with funds to complete the game.  Doing that will enable me to accept funds (for my cost of living and any assets that may be needed later) while creating the game with as much time needed to create a game with great quality instead of rushing with tons of bugs and missing features.

         So, you can expect this game to be fully complete without worry as everything in my notes is something I know I can do, there is not anything in there that I feel in question as if I can do it or not.  This is a game I know I can make all on my own as stated before and also why I am a bit nervous because I have never put a game on Steam before and this will be the first game that will have the opportunity to do that.  I say that, because I do not have a lot of money, so if anything were to go wrong in my life (hopefully that will not happen, but there are no predictions for life sadly) then the game would but put in pause mode.  This is why your help is already appreciated by you watching my content and keeping me around.  You can also help by Ranking up on this website, becoming a Member on YouTube or even a Subscriber on Twitch.  All of that money is used as it should to keep me doing what I love doing and still being to live comfortable while doing it.

         If you are asking at this point "will your content be effected?"  The answer is No ;).  I will continue my regular schedule of Mod Showcases weekly and streaming when I can, even extra content when I can as well.  This is a project I'll be doing when the time is there and trust me there will be plenty of hours chucked at this thing to keep it building well, so you can bet your two cheeks this project will get done in a timely manner ;D.  If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask here in the comments below.  Just smash that "Comments" link below and it'll take you to where you can begin asking right away.  I will get to your questions as soon as I see them or you can also ask me questions on my Discord as well.  I'll be posting updates on Discord about this game also, so if you want quick access to details about this game, you should definitely join Discord.  Oh, but I will not be a Discord only Developer ;).  When this game goes on steam, you can feel free to ask questions via the given forum and I will answer you (unlike other companies I have seen... that just would make me feel like I am neglecting people, honestly I don't know how they do that without feeling bad about it.)  Updates may also drop on this website if they are large enough.

         Thanks for reading my large frickin' book if you have made it this far, heh.  Now I will be getting back to my very long text file as I want to complete as soon as I can.  Hope to catch you in the next Mod Showcase which will be next Friday as usual.  Goodbye.. for now... ;)

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