Posts for 8/18/2024

    (Demo of Picking Up, Holding and Placing Objects within a designated placeable area and player movement.)

         My game is coming along and I just wanted to show you an early demo of my latest completed work: Pickup, Holding, Toss/Throw and Placement Features.  First, you'll notice that objects are highlighted, this was made so you'll know what you are currently targeting without question.  This applies to much more than what you see in the video and is already functioning (but I'm letting those things wait for now.  Other then that we move on to Picking up objects, this will be the main thing you'll be doing in this game, so I wanted it to feel fluid and strong.  Tossing or Throwing (whichever you prefer to call it) will also follow along side the picking up action, so again I wanted that to feel as smooth as possible and I feel it is ;).

         Now we move onto the largest system implemented and this system will be used by the player a good portion of the game as well besides the Pick up and Throw interactions.  This system consists of taking an area and giving you access to the area while you are in "placement mode."  Getting into placement mode will require a "placeable" object in your hands before you are allowed to initiate the mode.  You will be using the Right Click or Joystick Button assigned (Controller Support is kept in mind and will be throughout development but it may not be ready in very Early Access nor Early Access.)  Once you have pressed said button, you'll be in Placement mode and will be able to place your held object in the area provided by.. well... me of course ;).  This is all a part of the game and all areas will be predetermined, this could change in the future but will not through full release.  You will then press the Left Mouse/Joystick button once you have targeted where you'd like to place your object (storage or build-able object.)

         Now you have placed your Storage or Build-able where you'd like it to be, so now what happens?  Well, more will come soon, but I'm sure you know that you may want to pick it up later.. so I'm sure you know what will come next, heh.  As you can see all of the player is fully functional, you are able to move, jump, crouch and run.  This is a First Person game as you can see, so no Avatar will be shown of you.  You will however encounter others that you will see in full motion, but I won't say anything more on that till I get to that point in development ;).

         I'll keep you posted on further updates here, keep in mind that though the art shown will be final (yes I have all art needed already to complete the game ;D) nothing is where it will be and much more will be added as you are only shown not enough to even give you an idea of what this game will be.  I will be telling you what this game will be in future updates when I get more features in as at this point you have not seen enough for me to give you that information nor have I completed what I want to for me to be comfortable giving you that information yet without having anything to back it up, heh.  You should however hear something by the end of this year, if not something went wrong (game mechanic or bug wise) that was not anticipated but at this point I do not see that happening :D (knock on wood..)

         Thanks for reading this and I'll catch you in next weeks Mod Showcase for Project Zomboid!  Sorry I couldn't bring you one this week, but you can rest assured that I will definitely have one for you next week!  Catch you then, goodbye.. for now... :D  (If you have any questions, feel free to post them in comments below and I'll answer what I can.)
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