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This guide will help you use the Autotsar Modification System that is used in most if not all Autotsar Mods for Project Zomboid


How to use the Autotsar Modification System


     Most Autotsar Mods include this modification system, it is pretty new and not as noticeable as the last upgrade system that was used prior, so hopefully this guide will help you with that.  The video above shows one of the Autotsar mods that includes the new Modification System and I explain how it functions along with how you can access the menu.

     After making this video a lot of the previous mods were changed to feature this new Modification System, so everything in the above video is exactly the same as how you would go about using it in the other mods.  Magazines will be the only difference, however you will need to read the included magazine for the vehicle mod you downloaded.


     The first thing you'll need to do is read the Magazine included with the Mod, I show you which one you need for the vehicle above in the video above.  After you have that read you can begin utilizing the modification system.

     To access the Modification system, you will need to stand next to the vehicle and press the "V" key to show the radio menu.  Once you have this menu open, you'll then click the button with a Wrench and + symbol.

     Now that you have the Modification Window open, you will be able to add attachments to the vehicle (that you wish to add.)  There are Tabs you can click to get to the parts you're looking to add.

     Next you'll need to click a part you wish to add and take notice of which parts you'll need to have on hand or in the vicinity of where you're standing.  When you have all of these parts you can begin installing the part as long as you also have the proper tools needed to proceed as well.  You will also need the required skill level in order to install a part also, which is also shown in the menu.

     Once you click the "Install" button your character will automatically begin to walk and install the part and that's all there is to it!  You can do rinse and repeat this process for all other parts.

     What if you want to remove a part... Well, yep you can do just that by clicking the part you wish to remove and clicking the uninstall button.  However, you must make sure to have possession of the tool required to remove the part you selected, this will be shown in the menu.  The button will not be clickable until you have the tool needed.


    There you have it, you successfully learned how to use this awesome modification system.  I myself can't wait to see what they do with this system when build 42 comes as it will add an even more in depth crafting system with crafting stations.  I am very excited to how they use this added feature to expand their mod (if they choose to.)

     I'll be adding screen shots later to this mod to help add some better guidance for you guys later, but for now I feel this is as good of an explanation as I can give you to help you along with this system.  Thanks for reading and thank you for your support!

*All the content above this disclaimer was edited and written by the User EmberDG.*


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